After seeing some of your quilt tops finished, I am eager to finish mine, but I daresay it won't be any time soon! I am renewing my commitment to it, hoping to make good progress in the next month.
Welcome to the Lazy Gal Summer Quilting Class of 2008 (even though I'm a pinhead and put 2007 in the url). Our theme is repetition. We're working in a free-pieced or improvisational way. No templates, no patterns, not much measuring and not many rules.
Oh, do I EVER understand ~ mine ended up much larger than I originally anticipated AND it took way more energy/thought and effort... but you will be thrilled with your top when it is all assembled! Hang in there...
Oh goodness....the PIECING part of free-form quilting! While I was working on mine, I kept thinking I was CRAZY to not have nice square blocks, but the finished product wouldn't be the same if it were nice square blocks. It does take a lot of brain power and creative problem solving. Keep chipping away at it. It will look SO beautiful when it is done!
so fabulous, it's a beautfiul quilt and well worth all the effort you've put into it.
Nancie - it's gorgeous. Hang on in there. You should see the size of my Halloween quilt!
really great. and you can see the forest for the trees.
I hear ya about the intensity of creating this way. It does take some mental energy, doesn't it? But SO worth it in the end! Keep on keepin' on!
yep, takes lots more brain power working on these fun, creative, and liberating quilts! and easy to have them get much bigger than you may wish-it is looking so great! just keep going...
I like your snow-covered mountain forest quilt! The trees twinkle & so does the background! Bit by bit, it will get done. Awesome!
Nancie, I like this very much, it is serene - hope to see more of it and encourage you to stay with it. I know for me, I sometimes reach a point where a quilt "arrests" for awhile - don't know why! Maybe because I tire of it, often I start to dislike it - but when I finish, I usually am surprised with how I really do like it!
Andrea, Lake Elmo, MN
I will add a "PS" - I admire how you're spending time on getting everything placed the way you want it. I wanted to have my turtles swimming in a small spiral, but took the quicker route and put them in rows.
Andrea, Minnesota
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